There is this myth going around in our society that it is “good to have a tight vagina” – but good for who exactly?! I’m asking you.
What if I was telling you that most of my clients consulting for painful sex issues present, in fact, a tight vagina, and it sure makes their sex life not pleasurable at all! Is that good? It sure ain’t.
There is a difference between having a healthy muscle tone in your vagina so you can have good sensation during sex, versus having a high tone and tight pelvic floor. Hypertonic pelvic floors are NEVER good and healthy – they can cause pain, incontinence, overactive bladders and so on. We want those tissues to breath, to allow stretch, to be dynamic, to move!
BUT HEY – that was not the point of my post actually. I wanted to tell you that if you feel like your vagina is so tight that penetration feels like sandpaper in your lady bits or like trying to fit a banana in a toothpaste tube, this video is for you.
This is for you, post partum mom who had vaginal tearing or episiotomy, or simply a challenging healing time, and now feels like sex is no longer the same and that there is not enough space down there.
This is for you, menopausal women who had no sex for years and just met a new partner, and discovers the sad reality of “use it or lose it”. Indeed, after a certain age, if we do not have sex very often, the vagina can actually shrink…! But hey, you can get it back!
This is for you, young woman in your 20s who has never been able to insert a tampon without pain, or never been able to have painfree sex ever since you became sexually active. You are actually starting to think that this may be how sex is supposed to be, and may start wondering why people even have sex.