2 self-release techniques for your guts!

If you have abdominal discomfort from bloating or constipation,
this video for you!

Or if you came to see me and I mentioned that you had tension around your intestines, this video is for you too! 

Here below is a video with two techniques you can do at home to release your small intestine and colon.
This is a quite powerful health tool that you can use for yourself or your kids to help with digestion!

Why do we have tensions in our guts? 
Stress, intense core workouts, habit of clenching the belly to “look flat”, poor diet, and trauma (ex: car accident, falls) can all lead to tensions in the fascias and connective tissues around our guts.

Why is it bad to have tensions in our intestines? 
It can lead to many problems, including:
– Decreased flow and mobility in the digestive system, leading to bloating/constipation and discomfort along the digestive track in some cases

– Increasing pressure on the pelvic organs such as the bladder, uterine and rectum, and can lead to urine leakage, urinary urgency, painful menses

How to prevent tensions to build up in my guts? 
– Decreasing your stress level as much as possible
– Having a healthy diet that includes adequate fibre & water intake
– Avoiding to clench your core to look like you have a “flat belly” through your daily activities- let it go instead, let it breath 🙂
– Once in awhile, massaging your intestine with the techniques demonstrated in my video to keep things moving!

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