Calves on a stool position during and after pregnancy “Calves on a stool” is such a great simple exercise to help decreasing pressure on the pelvis during and after pregnancy. I thought you may be interested in knowing about it, whether or not you have symptoms, so you can use
My TOP postpartum MUST-HAVES! After bringing baby home, your body will need lots of TLC, and there are amazing products out there that I love to recommend in order to ease your recovery. Whether you had a belly birth or a vaginal delivery, here is a list of my favourite
Forward leaning inversion pose The Forward-leaning Inversion is meant to create room in the lower uterus by using gravity. The goal is to stretch the ligaments of the uterus and cervix to remove tensions and restrictions around your baby and ease labour and birth. It is also a great stretch
You just delivered your baby a few months ago, and you are SO EAGER to get back into your running shoes! Plus – I am so proud of you – you checked all the boxes: You waited at least 12 weeks post delivery: as you took my prenatal class and
The coregeous ball is definitely one of my favourite self-care tools. I use it pretty much every day for different purposes – whether it is for back pain, posture, digestive issues, stretching and so on! Want to learn how to use it? Watch the video below 🙂
Low back, hip & pelvic pain during & after pregnancy can restrict mobility and limit moms in their daily activities. Having some self-management techniques to alleviate the pain can be a life saver for a better sleep, improved mobility & remaining active. How about using massage balls for self-treatment? You
Pubic symphysis pain can be extremely debilitating during and after pregnancy. It is a kind of pain located at the pubic bone (the bone above the clitoris), and it can be sharp or dull. Most women report that it gets triggered with some or all of the following activities: –
If you have abdominal discomfort from bloating or constipation, this video for you! Or if you came to see me and I mentioned that you had tension around your intestines, this video is for you too! Here below is a video with two techniques you can do at home to release
(If you rather watch my video summarizing these things, click link above!) Hemorrhoids and anal fissures are a real pain in the butt to deal with. And when you just gave birth and you have a newborn to take care of, the last thing you want is to cry out
The holiday travels can be a source of anxiety for folks who experience bladder control issues. Long travels, flights, airports, being in places where you don’t know the location of the bathrooms, can indeed make things stressful. Here are a few tips to go through the holiday travels with a
Vaginal tears from childbirth can heal in different ways, and many people are not aware that sometimes they need a little help in the healing process. In fact, vaginal scar tissue can often heal “tight” and not super flexible, and can cause pain with sex. If this is your case,
There is this myth going around in our society that it is “good to have a tight vagina” – but good for who exactly?! I’m asking you. What if I was telling you that most of my clients consulting for painful sex issues present, in fact, a tight vagina, and